Human growth hormone (HGH): will it delay aging?

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Some describe human growth hormone as the key to slowing aging. Learn more about these claims.

Growth hormone stimulates the growth of the baby and helps maintain tissues and organs throughout life. It is produced by a pea-sized pituitary gland located in the lower part of the brain. Beginning in middle age, however, the pituitary gland slowly reduces the amount of growth hormone produced.

This natural slowing down has sparked interest in the use of synthetic human growth hormone (HGH) as a way to avoid certain age-related changes, such as decreased muscle and bone mass.

If you’re skeptical, okay? There is little evidence to suggest that HGH can help healthy adults regain youthfulness and vitality. Alternatively, treatment with HGH can increase the risk of other medical conditions. Experts recommend against using HGH to treat aging or age related conditions.

Do Some Adults Need HGH Treatment?

Doctors may prescribe synthetic HGH for adults who lack growth hormone, not the expected decrease in growth hormone due to aging.

In most people, growth hormone deficiency is caused by a benign pituitary tumor (pituitary adenoma) or by treating the adenoma with surgery or radiation therapy.

In adults with growth hormone deficiency, HGH injections can:

  • Increase training capacity.
  • Increase bone density
  • Increase muscle mass
  • Reduce body fat.

HGH treatment is also approved for the treatment of adults with AIDS or HIV-related growth hormone deficiency, which causes uneven distribution of body fat.

How Does HGH Treatment Affect Healthy Elderly People?

Studies in healthy adults using human growth hormone are limited and conflicting. Although it appears that human growth hormone can increase muscle mass and reduce body fat in healthy older people, muscle growth does not lead to increased strength. It is not clear whether human growth hormone offers additional benefits to healthy adults.

What are the risks of HGH treatment?

Treatment with HGH can cause a number of side effects in healthy adults, including:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Increased insulin resistance
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Swelling of the hands and feet (edema).
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Enlarged breast tissue in men (gynecomastia)
  • Increased risk of certain cancers.

Clinical studies of HGH treatment in healthy elderly people have been relatively small and short-lived, so there is little or no information on the long-term effects of HGH treatment.

Does HGH come in pill form?

Treatment with HGH is only approved in the United States for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency and related problems associated with HIV infection. HGH is only effective when given by injection.

There are no human growth hormone pills. Some supplements that claim to increase HGH levels are available in tablet form, but research has shown no benefit.

The Food and Drug Administration considers HGH to be a controlled substance. Using HGH for an unapproved condition, such as building muscle or as an anti-aging treatment in the elderly, is illegal.

What is the end result?

If you have specific problems with aging, ask your doctor for proven ways to improve your health. Remember that choosing a healthy lifestyle, such as eating a healthy diet and making physical activity part of your daily routine, can help you feel better as you age.


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