When deciding whether to start TRT or testosterone replacement therapy, a popular drug, Sustanon 250, will always be mentioned in discussions.
Sustanon comes in two strengths, Sustanon 100 and Sustanon 250. But in UK pharmaceutical wholesalers do not supply Sustanon 250. Therefore, we are not saying that when Sustanon is mentioned there is no reference to it. Sustanon 250.
This drug has the ability to cause well-publicized opinions, many men do not judge it for itself, while others deny it completely. You would think they are referring to Marmita. What makes Sustanon hold such strong opinions? In this blog, we’ll take a look at Sustanon’s objective way to give you a balanced view and help you decide if TRT is the best option for you.
When Big Pharma and the medical profession come together, the result of collaboration is always bad for the consumer. Pharmacological companies manipulate the results of studies to present their drugs in the best possible light (statins, what do you say?). Positive clinical trials are widely published, although articles on side effects are not available for future reference. But in this drug law we are giving out all the facts, good, bad and lies. Based on this knowledge, you will need to work with a TRT doctor to find a personalized TRT solution.
Whether you choose to join us or go elsewhere for your TRT, our goal is the same; autonomy through education and knowledge.
Is Sustanon 250 legal in UK?
Sustanon 250 is a popular form of TRT available in the UK legal drug chain. It is part of the BNF (British National Formulary) and can be obtained by appointment under the NHS as well as by individuals.
Is Sustanon available in UK?
Sustanon 250 is available from two of the UK’s largest pharmaceutical wholesalers, AAH and Alliance Healthcare. It is readily available, but there is a tendency to smoke, so it is best to get the right supplies from the pharmacy of your choice.
What is Sustanon?
Sustanon 250 is an injectable mixture of testosterone (peanut or arachnoid oil) based on four testosterone esters which have been modified by the addition of carboxylic acid esters (propionic acid, phenolic propylene ester, isocaloric and decanoic acid) in 17th place beta-hydroxyl. .
What does Sustanon 250 contain?
Sustanon 250 contains the following:
Testosterone propionate 30 mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg
Testosterone Isocaproate 60 mg
Testosterone decanoate 100 mg
Sustanon 250 is available in 1ml ampoules containing 176mg of testosterone.
What is Sustanon 250?
Sustanon 250 is administered by intramuscular injection.
Why should I inject Sustanon 250?
Sustanon 250 is given by intramuscular injection because it involves extensive first-pass metabolism in the vagina when given orally.
Orally administered unmodified testosterone has a short half-life and low bioavailability as it is readily metabolized in the leaf. Therefore, testosterone changes chemically to produce clinically useful agents.
In Sustanone 250, the testosterone molecule contains esters with various side chains added. This chemical modification slows the rate of absorption and breakdown and makes it easier to maintain efficient testosterone levels.
Sustanon 250 was first approved in the 1970s. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Organon, now known as Merck / MSD. However, Irish pharmaceutical company Aspen has manufactured Sustanon 250 for the UK.
Is the Sustanon 250 a “magazine”?
Scientifically, the Sustanon 250 is a “reservoir”. This means that Sustanon 250 is a combination of four different testosterone esters which formally have a delayed release profile. So instead of taking the equivalent of four injections, you don’t have to take one.
Testosterone esters
The four testosterone esters in Sustanon 250 have different times of action. An ester is a chemical compound having the following general chemical structure.
Summary of the pharmacokinetics of Sustanon 250
Pharmacokinetic profile data suggests that Sustanon 250 will provide physiological levels of testosterone for up to 21 days. In fact, this is confirmed by numerous studies which have shown that Sustanon 250 enables rapid increase in testosterone levels (24-48 hours after injection) and maintains physiological concentrations for approximately 21 days. [3]
Esterification of the testosterone molecule at position 17, for example with propionic acid or enanthic acid, upon intramuscular administration prolongs testosterone activity relative to the length of the side chain. [4]
Comparisons of the absorption kinetics of different testosterone esters clearly show that the absorption half-life of esters increases when esterified fatty acids have a longer chain. [5]
Therefore, the longer the side chain at position 17, the longer the effect of the testosterone ester lasts. This is used in Sustanon 250 and each ester has a successively longer chain. Thus, in theory, when shorter ester chains are removed, the intermediate esters are taken up.
Studies have shown that after intramuscular administration, testosterone esters are slowly absorbed into the systemic circulation and then quickly converted to the active, unesterified metabolite. [6]
The observation that the time at the injection site is an important factor in determining the residence time of the drug in the body is consistent with pharmacokinetic studies which have shown that the testosterone ester is absorbed without altering the depot. injection into the body. Muscle versus general circulation according to first-order kinetics, that is, the rate of drug elimination is proportional to its concentration with a long half-life (time required to reduce the drug to half of the initial concentration) of 130 hours. [7]
The ester is then rapidly hydrolyzed in plasma, as evidenced by in vitro studies in rats (van der Vies 1970) [8] and in vivo studies in humans [9].
Although the rate of hydrolysis still depends to some extent on the structure of the acid chain, this process is much faster compared to discharges from the injection container (van der Vies 1985).
Thus, the main determinant of the activity of the testosterone ester is the absorption of the testosterone ester from the site of administration to the plasma. Indeed, the process of hydrolysis of esters is fast in comparison.
Further evidence for the rapid hydrolysis of testosterone esters to unesterified testosterone has been confirmed by studies that injected both testosterone and testosterone enanthate intravenously. If the hydrolysis of testosterone enanthate was delayed, this would result in a different pharmacokinetic profile. However, after intravenous injection of testosterone enanthate or testosterone, these compounds have similar pharmacokinetics.